The Plinius cursus is the Ph.D. program of the Institute of Microbiology, Bioenergy and Biotechnology (IM2B). It was created thanks to a real teamwork and evolves continuously under the impulse of the teaching team and the Ph.D. students themselves. The objective is to offer to all Ph.D. students a unique training and individualized teaching concerning all the themes and techniques present within the institute.

A little history …

Marseille is home to one of the largest academic communities in microbiology in France, grouped within the IMM (Mediterranean Institute of Microbiology). This research federation is composed of technological platforms and 4 research laboratories: LISM – Macromolecular Systems Engineering Laboratory, IGS – Genomic and Structural Information Laboratory, BIP – Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering Laboratory, and LCB – Bacterial Chemistry Laboratory. This strike force of 300 people is internationally recognized for its research on microorganisms ranging from the molecule to complex ecosystems. Training is closely associated with research thanks to the 40 professors and assistant- professors who work at the IMM and are involved in the teaching of Microbiology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Structural Biology at the University of Aix-Marseille. Numerous personal or collective initiatives have helped create scientific emulation, cohesion and a climate conducive to collaboration. We can mention the young researchers’ seminars, the weekly seminars of invited researchers, french or foreign, as well as initiatives carried and managed by the students themselves such as the young researchers’ congress since 2015 (JSM3), the apéro-talks or the seminars for dummies.

This exceptional ecosystem has enabled the creation of the Ph.D. program “Plinius Cursus” in 2019 funded by the University Foundation A*MIDEX for the 50 IMM Ph.D. students.

At the same time, the 4 laboratories and the IMM have participated in the creation of a new institute, the Institute of Microbiology, Bioenergy and Biotechnology (IM2B), which brings together 10 laboratories from the University of Aix-Marseille. This new institute constitutes an exceptional interdisciplinary environment for Ph.D. students because they have access not only to expertise in the so-called “classical” fields of microbiology (bioinformatics, computational analysis, structural and cellular biology, genomics, molecular genetics, automated microscopy, biophysics and biodiversity) but also to new skills, particularly in the chemistry of living organisms (physical chemistry, bioelectrochemistry, physical chemistry and biochemistry.) The perpetual emulation within the 500 members of the institute allows everyone to develop unique interdisciplinary approaches at all scales whose applicative potential echoes current societal and environmental issues.

Since the creation of this new institute, the Ph.D. program “Plinius Cursus” is open to all IM2B Ph.D. students. It provides students with workshops and practical training as well as an environment conducive to expanding and improving their knowledge and skills as well as their professional network.

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